Auditions: The Smell of The Kill
Community Playhouse 1700 N Grimes St, Hobbs, New MexicoThe Smell of the Kill is a dark comedy. The story revolves around Nicky, Debra and Molly who have tolerated one another during once-a-month dinners
The Smell of the Kill is a dark comedy. The story revolves around Nicky, Debra and Molly who have tolerated one another during once-a-month dinners
Adapted from the novel by Louisa May Alcott. Written by Kate Hamill. Directed by Nathan R Miles
Adapted from the novel by Louisa May Alcott. Written by Kate Hamill. Directed by Nathan R Miles
Adapted from the novel by Louisa May Alcott. Written by Kate Hamill. Directed by Nathan R Miles
Adapted from the novel by Louisa May Alcott. Written by Kate Hamill. Directed by Nathan R Miles
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