Events for February 8 - December 13, 2024

CORE Easter Egg Dive

Free Event. Doors open at 11:30 am. Splash Pool Age 0 - 7 (12:00). Swim Pool Ages 8-12 (12:45 pm). Swim diaper and swimsuit required. Remember to bring a basket/bag. Children 7 and under must each have a parent in the pool at all times.

Cinderella Auditions

Auditions for Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical Cinderella are taking place on April 8th and 9th of 2023 at 7:00pm at the Playhouse. 1700 N. Grimes. Callbacks (if any) will be April 10, 2023 at 5:00pm at the Playhouse.

Texas Guitar Quartet

Formed in 2008, the Texas Guitar Quartet has been hailed as “Impeccable in every respect” by Classical Guitar Magazine. Throughout the US, Canada, Central America, Spain, and China, audiences have embraced the quartet for their daring programs, dazzling virtuosity and joyful music making. Recent highlights include performances for the Encuentro Internacional de Guitarra (Nicaragua), Victoria Bach Festival, Guitar Foundation of America Convention, Festival Internacional del Noreste (Mexico), and Texas Music Festival

Light of Lea County Golf Fundraiser

$500 Registration Fee (4 Person Team). Flight Prizes. Registration includes green and cart fees.  For more information or to donate to the event call Amanda Ponce 575-621-1727 or Rockwind 575-397-9297

Light of Lea County Walk for Light

Fun events for kids including bouncy houses. Registration is $25 per person, and you’ll get a t-shirts that’s really sharp! If you are a Warrior (cancer survivor or battling cancer) please get in touch with us because your registration and shirt will be free. You can find out more about Light of Lea County on our website:   We’ll be selling luminaries for $5 each that you can decorate in memory of or in honor of someone who has/had cancer. We’ll light the path with the luminaries. For more information or to donate to the event call Dana Ankerholz 575-399-1174 or Amanda Ponce 575-621-1727.

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