Virtual ATK Color Me Fun Run & Walk
Walk/Run in your neighborhood, at your favorite park or on your favorite trail. Step One: Let us know "you want in" We will send you a link to pay for your shirt, color powder and bib. Step Two: Pick up your shirts, color powder and bib (curbside-we will bring your shirt to your car) from June 16th - 18th from 3-8pm at ATK Martial Arts School 1011 E Bender. Step Three: During the week of June 22-27th run/walk in your neighborhoods, take pictures, videos and/or go live RUN/WALKING AND THROWING COLOR ON YOUR GROUP! Cost Includes shirt, runner bib and color powder. Adult: 18 and up $30 Youth:11-17 $15 Kid: 6-10 $15 Registration email "I WANT IN" to