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Artists are invited to a judged art show. It opens September 9th through October 9th at the Western Heritage Museum. All Mediums are welcome. There are 5 categories. Best of Show ($250) and 1st ($100), 2nd ($75), and 3rd ($50) place will be awarded in each category.
*Entry fees per piece: LEAA member $10. Nonmembers $20.
*Membership fees: Lea County $20 – Outside if Lea County $25
*Entires are to be turned in at the Museum Friday, September 6 from 1 to 6 pm.
Public reception will be Monday, September 9th from 5 to 7 pm. Awards will be passed out at that time.
All artists participating will be included in a drawing for $100. Not required to be present.
For a complete prospectus go to facebook: Llano Estacado Art Association.

Compártelo con tus amigos!

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